Zdzisław Wołk

Global and Local Changes on the Modern Labour Market


Oprawa: Twarda

Ilość stron: 228

Format: B5

Rok wydania: 2011


The articles included in this collection express the results of years of research, thoughts and considerations, which were aiming to support people in pursuing their professional careers at all stages of life.
The achievements of social pedagogy and pedagogy of work may be useful for the organization of work and used successfully in other areas, in particular in the economic one. It is still relatively rare, even though it happens more and more often, that the results of the work of the pedagogy research, as well as the suggestions of how to apply this knowledge, are adapted by businesses and by other social and economic sciences researchers. Nevertheless, it turns out that the concern for employee’s development and welfare and investing in worker, consequently, brings many beneficial results that cannot be measured in the economic terms only.

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