The EU enlargement on May lst, 2004 by inclusion of other European countries, Poland and the Czech Republic among them, was just a crowning act of the political changes and adaptation processes that have been progressing for morę than two decades. It was a very important turning point for the new Member States and has had a great impact on the life of their citizens, predominantly in Central and Eastern Europe. Although the practical effects could already have been observed, the introduction and realization of the union regulations and free-market rules in the new Member States is in fact a long-time process which is still taking place. In the sector of building engineering – which is of concern herein – new stimuli have appeared that result in a lot of changes, mainly in its economic and technical aspects.
These new stimulating circumstances might have been expected to be particularly advantageous to the development of the bordering regions in the triangle of the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland, owing to the easy mutual influence and direct contact between people and companies. However, the resulting changes have turned out more complex and convoluted. Having been on the peripheries of the financial and decision-making centres, these border regions have proved to be less attractive to new investors than expected, and this is to a large degree due to their incompatible road and industrial infrastructure. Many initiatives have been undertaken to activate and support an eąualise rapid economic growth of the bordering regions. The project Three Countries Innovation Push – 3 CIP within the INTERREG HIC Eastern Zonę Initiative promotes a transborder co-operation of the German Federal States: Saxony and Brandenburg, the Czech Districts: Karlovy Vary, Usti, and Liberec, and the Polish Provinces: Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, and Wielkopolskie. Morę about the 3-CIP Project can be found on the website http://www.3-cip.com.
This book is an outgrowth of the conference Innovation in Building Engineering which was organised within the 3-CIP Project and held at the University of Zielona Góra in Zielona Góra on February 25*, 2005. It has a special character by reflecting the wide rangę of different aspects and conditions of the building engineering in the triangle of the border regions of that time. Over a hundred participants from academia and industry of the bordering regions took part in the conference. Ali the included papers are based on the presentations which were delivered at the conference.